If you never read another article about SEO or advice on how to optimize your site for search, this is what I would want you to know. The way SEOs approach understanding SEO is based on: what …
What’s in a content audit
I'm in the camp that relationships between real world (and web) things is where the value of data and transformative insights live. In working on a content audit process around this idea, I'm …
The moving target of content quality
You can trash six years of branding with a text message right now. Six years ago (I checked) I signed up for a newsletter from an org selling CRM + website + marketing tooling for Realtors. Here's …
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Less content, more traffic?
The more (unorganized) content an expert's website has, the less search traffic it is likely to get. Unorganized content leads to inefficiency surfacing content for users on your site as well as …
How do you become indispensable to an audience?
If your building an audience around your thinking, how indispensable you become is ultimately a function of the value of your content. The worn path here is to start talking about how you need to …
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How to quickly find related content to add to your articles
We talked about some plugin or code based options to make adding related posts or "You May Also Like..." type links to articles on Wordpress sites. The most simple option that we didn't talk about …
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