Yesterday, I wrote you some reasons I thought "email list as king" of your marketing efforts should be rethought. To me, the points were self-evident: "email list value decays over time" AKA …
Email list vs website – which is more important?
You hear that the "email list is the lifeblood of your online business." When you (email) launch a product, the sales come through your list. When you write a book, hammering your email list is …
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more thinking on organizing content
When I sold some work around a site audit + per article recommendations around keep, rework, delete and categorization, I thought, "this will be easy, this is what I do now." But I just keep …
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Links are dying
It is pretty much a meme now for SEOs to share and collectively make fun of bad hot takes about how "SEO is dead" by people who don't even have a baseline understanding of search. They (we) think, …
Bridges vs hubs
Everyone loves a power curve - the idea that central nodes in a network are the most important, that the fat head is where all the influence and popularity lives. All sorts of things were built on …
“Topics” are for them, not you
-or- rooted content vs thinking content This is a weird one. As I do pattern analysis on expert content, I find something that is obvious to the user but an absolute blind spot for the …