“I just went to this really well organized and easy to navigate blog. You should totally check it out,” said no one ever.
Once you get to about 500 posts, content organization starts to become a problem. Not in its own right, but organization is a problem because there is no right way to do it:
- You can do it in a way that works for your users and still trash your site in search engines.
- You can do it in a way that works for search engines and annoys your users.
- You can try to find a balance or synergy between better search visibility and user experience.
And there’s so much tactical advice out there:
- You have to use categories
- You can have as many tags as you want
- Use categories but only one per post
- Make your categories into hub pages and use breadcrumbs
- Don’t have more than five categories on your blog
- If you have multiple categories your blog isn’t focused enough
- Google doesn’t need tags, they can figure it out
It’s a bit dizzying.
So we just ignore the problem. Pick a category or 4, come up with some tags, hit publish.